Teppanyaki in San Jose
When most people think of dinner and a show, they don’t imagine enjoying both at once. If you come to House of Genji for dinner, that’s exactly what you’ll get. House of Genji specializes in teppanyaki, a type of Japanese cooking in which the chef prepares the food on a large iron griddle directly in front of you. Not only is the food at House of Genji delicious, but the preparation of the food is a spectacle all its own.
Teppanyaki Information

Before you come to House of Genji, you might consider learning a few things about teppanyaki. Here are a few facts that you may find interesting.
- Meaning: If you speak Japanese, then you know that the term “teppanyaki” is descriptive. “Teppan” means iron plate, which refers to the flat grill on which the food is cooked, and “yaki” means grilled, or fried.
- History: Teppanyaki first gained notoriety in 1940s Japan, when chefs began cooking western-style food on a flat grill, or teppan. This practice became popular with tourists, and eventually made its way to Japanese steakhouses around the world.
- Entertainment: Perhaps the most amazing aspect of teppanyaki is the entertainment factor. Expert chefs have developed a wide range of tricks over the years, making every dinner a unique treat.
Food at House of Genji
You come to House of Genji for the show and stay for the delicious food. Here’s a quick look at the types of food you can enjoy at our Japanese steakhouse in San Jose.
- Seafood: Much of traditional Japanese cuisine is centered around seafood, and we’re proud to have a number of delicious options. Our guests love our scallops, prawns, tuna, salmon, lobster, and calamari.
- Steak: We also serve several kinds of delicious steak, including filet mignon and New York steak. If you’re interested in some surf and turf, we’ll gladly prepare steak with your favorite seafood.
- Side Orders: We have plenty of excellent side dishes, including sushi, fried rice, and pot-stickers. We also have a number of tasty salads, such as the Asian fusion chicken salad and rice noodle salad.
For more information about teppanyaki and House of Genji, call our Japanese steakhouse at 408-453-8127. You’ll have a great time eating at our San Jose restaurant with your friends and family members.