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House of Genji

If you’re looking for a unique dining experience, come down to House of Genji. At our San Jose Japanese restaurant, our teppanyaki chefs cook your meal right at the table. We’ve been proudly serving San Jose residents since 1971.

1335 N 1st St
San Jose, CA 95112

Phone: 408-453-8127


Monday: 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Tuesday: 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Wednesday: 5:00 PM -8:30 PM

Thursday: 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Friday: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday: 4:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Sunday: 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Closed for Lunch


Driving Directions

If you’re coming from the north, take I-880 S until you get to the N First St exit toward Downtown. Turn right onto N 1st St, then make a U-turn at E Gish Rd. You should see our restaurant on the right.

If you’re driving from the south, take CA-17 N/I-880 N until you get to the First St exit. Turn left onto N 1st St, then make a U-turn at E Gish Rd. You’ll see our restaurant on the right.

What’s Nearby
San Jose Public Resources
History of San Jose

The Ohlone people were the first known inhabitants of the Bay Area. Spanish explorers and missionaries started coming in the 18th century and founded the pueblo of San Jose in 1777. Along with the rest of California, San Jose came under Mexican control in 1821, then under American control in 1846. It became the first capital of California in 1850 and remained a chiefly agricultural town for much of its history.

San Jose shifted to a manufacturing-based economy during and after World War II. The city became known as a center for high-tech development, earning it the nickname “The Capital of Silicon Valley.” More than one million people live in San Jose today, and about 8.5 million people live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Popular attractions include the Children’s Discovery Museum, the Tech Museum of Innovation, and the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts.

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